Monday, March 3, 2008

Evangelism…What Satan doesn’t want you to know!!

Key Scripture: 2 Timothy 1:7

    Good morning Saints : ) Although I pray that everyone had a blessed weekend, I am not going to tarry this morning. This message has been on my heart for awhile now, and Father has just given me the permission to share it with ya'll. So with that said, let's jump straight into it. Before I begin however, I pray that Father decreases me and increase Himself.

    Picture this: You are in your house, in your bedroom, and you look out your bedroom window and see a bright light. You don't know what it is, so you put on your house shoes and exit out of your front door, just to come and find your neighbor's house is "On Fire"! Now, this neighbor isn't "necessarily" your best friend, but you realize that it doesn't matter right now. What do you do? Do you say to yourself, "Well, I haven't really developed a "relationship" with them? Therefore, I don't think it would be right for me to go bang on their door in an attempt to save their lives." Or, do you, instead of talking, run as fast as you can to their house in an attempt to "Save Their Lives!!" I'm going to say this very humbly, if you are the one that did the first action, then you REALLY need to check your salvation!

    Unfortunately, the sad part about this example is, as Christians we choose the FIRST action EVERY time we choose to NOT witness to either somebody we know, or somebody we don't know. We often feel that we have to develop a "relationship" with that person, before we can witness to them. I say we, because I am guilty of this as well. However, if we "really" cared about their salvation, witnessing to them wouldn't be the "last" thing we did, but the "first". Now, I am NOT saying that every person you see you should run up to them and say, "You're going to HELL, if you don't repent of your sins!!" One, that's NOT the way our Lord Jesus did it, and two, you'll probably scare that person away from God.

    No, there is a way to do it, which is more effective. God has been teaching me this through "The Way of The Master." If you are SERIOUS about winning souls for God, and I hope that EVERYONE in this group is, then check out the link at the bottom of this message. Once you are there, take the "Are you a Good Person" test. I would love to hear back from those who will be obedient; and I will be more than happy to share my testimony after taking it.

    Now, Saints I know this is kind of long. However, I believe that this message is, if not ranked #1, then at least #2 of importance to us. If you have given your life to Christ, and you are TRULY serving Him, and NOT just claiming the title, then listen very closely. Satan's BIGGEST goal is NOT to get you to fall, but instead to KEEP YOU FROM WITNESSING!! Why? Because, if he has lost you, he is upset but he will deal with it. BUT, if you start witnessing then he has the potential to lose even more! Don't give him the victory, by NOT Evangelizing!! Until next time, take care Saints and God Bless!


His Servant,

TJ (KBTeam – The Kingdom Building Team)



"Grace is what He gives; Mercy is what we need. Relationship is what He longs for; Salvation is what we'll receive!" ~Terrell D. Jackson

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