"I have broken the Ten Commandments, but I do good things for people."
Key Scripture: A divine sentence is in the lips of the king: his mouth transgresses not in judgment. ~Proverbs 16:10
Many people do similar things. They may steal from their employer or cheat on their taxes, then give to a charity or spend Thanksgiving helping at a soup kitchen. They think they are balancing the scales: they have done bad, and now they are doing good. However, the Bible reveals that the motive of guilty sinners is one of guilt (see Hebrews 9:14). They are attempting to bribe the Judge of the Universe. The Judge in this case will not be corrupted. He must punish all sinners. Good works cannot earn mercy; it comes purely by the grace of God. He will dismiss our iniquity only on the grounds of our faith in Jesus.
Taken from Ray Comfort's The Evidence Bible, page 842 [Bridge-Logos].
TJ's Personal Note:
There comes a time when taking a risk is a good/healthy thing; however, this is not one of them. Look at it this way: Let's say that the Bible is wrong, and all Christians (past, present, & future) are not redeemed by the Savior. Then on the unfortunate day you die, nothing will happen. You won't even have the opportunity to say "I told you so!" But WHAT IF the Bible is correct, and all -- and only -- Christians are redeemed by the Savior. Then you will not just spend eternity separated from the presence of God, but as the Bible puts it, forever burning/tormented in Hell, where the fire NEVER quenches & the worm NEVER dies!!
Out of love we, Christians, are only asking that you consider the WHAT IF...before your time runs out. If you are saying, "Well, I don't want to make a decision out of fear...that doesn't seem genuine; or it seems like a cop-out." The Bible says that it is the fear of the Lord that men depart from evil/sin! Therefore, let that fear work in your favor! If you were on an airplane and you knew you had to jump, isn't it the fear of the law of gravity that entices you to put on a parachute?! Well, the same thing spiritually, let the fear of the Law of God and His justified wrath entice you to put on His parachute...the Lord & Savior Jesus the Christ!! Repent once and for all for your sins -- and name them if you can -- and then place your faith & trust SOLELY in the Savior for your salvation! Do it today, because tomorrow isn't promised to anyone. Thank you for reading and God Bless.
Remember: "Grace is what He gives; Mercy is what we need. Relationship & Righteousness is what He longs for; Salvation & Holiness is what we'll receive!" - Terrell D. Jackson
This falls right in line with the majority of what the Book of James speaks of..self-righteousness! Self-righteousness is a seed that will grow full fledge into keeping you bound in your own pride and FAR from God. It's the humble that He exalts, not those who are puffed up with pride, due to their own self-belief of "well-doing!" Self-righteousness, no matter what the initial intent, is a dangerous trap!!!