Key Scripture: St. John 4:14
Good morning Saints : ) I pray that everyone had a blessed weekend, and is prepared for an awesome week in our Lord. I am really excited about the M.O.W. for this week; I really learned a huge lesson. I can only hope and pray that someone will be blessed by it, and come closer to the Father because of it. With that said, let's jump straight into it!
I begin this message with a question, "Are you seeking the 'Blessing' or the 'Blessor'?" Before you continue reading this message, REALLY think about that questions AND your answer to it. Our key scripture comes from St. John 4:14. "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." In this scripture we can clearly see "what" the blessing is, and "who" the blessor is. Are you like the Samaritan woman who says in the following scripture, sir, give me this "water"…the "blessing", or are you seeking the person who can give you that water, the "blessor". I use myself as an example. Last week I had received $900 dollars, and because I "thought" that the "blessing" would solve some problems that I was facing, I had a hard time deciding whether or not to give 10% of it to the "blessor" or just an offering. Needless to say, God took that $900 dollars back. At first I didn't understand, and I consistently prayed for an understanding; and to be completely honest, it wasn't until just now that I fully understand why. I was not READY for the "blessing", because I was seeking the "blessing" more than the "blessor". The point that I am trying to make is, I got so caught up and excited about the "blessing" and what I "thought" it could solve, until I found myself putting more value on the "blessing" instead of the "blessor", the one who gave it to me to begin with! His word says to seek HIM first, and everything else will be added unto you. However, many times we, including myself, seek or think that we need the "blessing" so much that we value the "gift" more than the "giver".
Therefore, again I ask you this morning, "Are you seeking the Blessing or the Blessor?" Learn from my mistake Saints, and don't forget to seek after God first AND always!! Next week, if God says the same we will talk about "Sacrifice & Worship." I pray that this message will help somebody come closer to the Father and grow more in Christ Jesus. Until next time, take care and God Bless!
His Servant,
TJ (KBTeam – The Kingdom Building Team)
"Grace is what He gives; Mercy is what we need. Relationship is what He longs for; Salvation is what we'll receive." ~Terrell D. Jackson
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