Monday, January 28, 2008

Do You Have an Understanding?

Key Scripture: St. John 14:15

    Good morning Saints : ) I hope and pray that everyone had a great weekend; and if you were able to make it to the house of the Lord on yesterday, I hope you were blessed. This week's MOW will deal with the second part of last week's MOW on getting an "understanding". For those whom missed last week's MOW you can still read it and comment on it when you get the chance. With that said, let's jump right into it.

    Last week's scripture came from Proverbs 4:7 & Psalm 111:10. I mentioned how both scriptures dealt with "wisdom" and "understanding". Let's see what they are saying about "understanding" and receive the revelation from Father on it. Proverbs 4:7 ends with, "…and with all thy getting get understanding." Then Psalm 111:10 says in the second clause, "…a good understanding have all they that do his commandments…" When reading those scriptures, particular Proverbs 4:7, I am reminded of when someone told me that we, Christians, are not suppose to ask God "why" or questions for that matter. However, when you look at scripture many of God's greatest people/vessels asked him "why" or other questions. For instance, Moses when he appeared before God at the burning bush; Job when he was being stripped of everything; and even our Lord Jesus when on the cross asked God why had he forsaken him. Therefore, I do not believe that we cannot ask God questions when we are trying to get an "understanding". I wanted to share that with you before I gave you the revelation that Father has given me about "understanding" in Psalm 111:10.

    Our key scripture comes from St. John 14:23, "If ye love me, keep my commandments." Jesus was telling this to his disciples right before he began to tell them about the promise of the Spirit (Holy Ghost). In Psalm 111:10, the second clause tells us that ALL who DO his commandments have a good understanding. Last week God revealed to us that we have to reverence (fear) him before we can begin to get wisdom. This week He is showing us that in order to get a good "understanding" you must DO his commandments. However, He is also showing us that those who keep or do his commandments are those who "love" him. The point that I am trying to make in all of this is, before you get ANYTHING make sure you get "wisdom". And the only way to get "wisdom" is to fear (reverence) God. Then make sure you get an "understanding". However, to even have a good understanding, you must DO his "commandments". But if you are not willing to DO his commandments, then HOW can you say that you "love" him? Something to think about : )

    I hope and pray that the purpose of this message was fulfilled; and that our Father got the glory out of it. Until next time, take care Saints and God Bless.


His Servant,

TJ (KBTeam – The Kingdom Building Team)


"Grace is what HE gives; mercy is what WE need. Relationship is what HE longs for; salvation is what WE'LL receive." ~Terrell D. Jackson

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brother in Christ,

    I read your message for today and I believe that it holds a great deal of truth regarding the reaping of wisdom through reverence of God. The Bible often talks about reaping after acknowledgement of him (Matt 6:33) Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed it and I look forward to next week's post. YSIC, Steph
