Monday, January 14, 2008

I don’t WANT to be wealthy …I CHOOSE to be!

    From the time we are babies up until adult years we are taught to make known what it is we want. For instance, because babies cannot talk they usually cry, or when they are a little older, point at the thing(s) that they want. This can eventually become frustrating to the parents, because children get to that age where they can say what it is that they want, but yet they still point and whine for it. Very soon, the parents stop acknowledging the children when they attempt to get what they want by the way of crying, pointing, or whining for it instead of speaking. This directly teaches the child that in order to get what they want they have to literally say that they "want" it. However, this indirectly teaches the child that just because they say they "want" something, it will result in them always getting it. Unfortunately for the child, this theory is not explained to them fully while they are young. Therefore, they grow into adults with the mindset that saying you "want" something will result in you getting it; we call it, positive thinking.

    I'm reminded of the story in the Bible when Jesus was sleeping during a strong storm while his disciples were fighting to keep the water out of the boat and panicking nonetheless. Immediately, they rush to where Jesus was sleeping and awoke him questioning how he could sleep while the boat was on the verge of sinking. What Jesus did that night still amazes me to this day, but not just because he told the sea to be still. No, it's the lesson that Jesus indirectly taught that night that many people, including myself at one point, miss so often. Jesus not only believed or wanted everything to be okay, but he did something that we forget, or simply just don't know to do, and that is take action! It is because of the theory that we are taught as babies that hinders us from taking action, and has us thinking that things will come to past just because we "want" them to.

    The point that I am trying to make is, many people are always "wanting" instead of taking action by "choosing" what it is that they desire. Therefore, until they change the mindset that they have been raised with and start "choosing" things, they will never receive them. Jesus didn't say, "I want to be the way, the truth…" he said, "I AM the way, the truth…" He did not say, "I want to give you life…" he said, "I CAME to give you life…" In other words, he did not "want" he "choose". Therefore, stop saying you "want" to be wealthy or successful. Instead, start saying I "choose" to be wealthy and successful; and I guarantee you, it will increase your odds by 100%.

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