"Today is a day of dreams, not imaginations that have no realization or chance of being seen. Today is a day to dream with faith and trust that your dreams will someday evoke change; a time and a moment to reflect on your thoughts and put action plans against that dream in your heart. The future is what it will be, but you can change what you'll see by believing in & being active with the foundation of your dreams. Knowing that they are more than another thing, more than what you've already seen, they are where you're going, they are what you can become. No one can change or rearrange what God has intricately placed in your thoughts. Grab hold to what you see, when you look beyond your eyes and know in dreams is where the future lies. Selah."
January 10, 2011
"God will only change what you will maintain & He will never give you a blessing in vain. Every opportunity that you'll receive in your life should be attributed & contributed to the blessings of Christ...His death saved your life...His scars heal your wounds...His blood that was shed is what's pumping your lungs. Your lungs are the essential respiration organ in your body, so His death gave you life, even before you could breathe. He died to give you life. He gave you all of Him...the best thing that we can do to show appreciation...all He wants, all He asks is for a little reciprocation. Patience is a virtue and time is of the essence and God will only change what your lifestyle will let Him. The only thing that's right is what's right in His eyes; the best love you can show is to display it in your life. Selah."
December 13, 2010
"Your arms are outstretched & your mental conception tells your brain & your heart that the intangible blessing is too far from perception, but un-fully aware that your blessing is near. Don't let your mind tell your heart that God isn't there. It's easy to go by what we feel but it takes a strong individual to believe in an intangible reality. No fallacy, no malice needed, just a clear & better understanding of Jesus. Your blessing is waiting, don't try to perceive it, just receive it & know it's there right when you need it. Selah."
December 6, 2010
"The day has passed and the night is now day, sit back and reflect on the accomplishments you've made. Not last year or yesterday, not even last week, think only of today right now as we speak. What did you do to change a point of view? Did you direct recognition to Him from you? Prayerfully we have tomorrow, but tomorrow isn't promised. Today is yesterday's tomorrow -- so when we don't take advantage of today, tomorrow's forgotten. Be a force for the Lord this week, let nothing stand in your way. For there's only one change tomorrow to create a better today. Selah."
November 30, 2010
"I admonish you today to hold on to the hand of God. Your question for me: How can I hang on to something I cannot see? He wants you to know that He's there; know that His hand will capture your fear; His strength will help you endure when your near the end of your rope...His hand is close. When you're crying inside, His hand will guide your heart to the cross to help you swallow your pride. When you want to give up, His hand is tough, enough to persuade your mentality to never let up. His hand is the thought that protects your heart when attempts are made to break it and distorted thoughts are invasive. He is the key that unlocks the truth that's been implemented on the inside of you. He will keep you from danger & guide your every move, just hold on to the hand that's above you. Selah."
November 22, 2010
"You ARE what you're made of, you're destined for greatness--our lives are so much more than what we've made them. We create a mindset that's limited & remain in a box that's vision-less. We forget to see beyond our means & rely on His wealthy-ness. We see with our eyes & forget to add our hearts to the dreams & ambitions He's envisioned from the start. You are so much more than what you see, you are so much greater beyond your being, you are a creation of the Almighty King & with Him you can accomplish anything. God loves you and He watches you from above, He resides inside of you making you EVERYTHING you're made of. Selah."
November 15, 2010
"You will never accomplish His will without relying on His strength. In order for us to achieve big dreams we must practice dreaming with faith. We can never grab hold of bigger things without acknowledging the One who created our mentalities, for only He can see beyond what's tangible and give us a glimpse of a future reality. It's important to dream above what you know because your reliability will require you to grow. Dream everyday & include your creator because He will give insight to your future that is far greater. Selah."
November 8, 2011
"Dear Faithful Believer, pick your head up child I see your pain, I hear your cry, I know your name. I watch you daily, I wait for you to lift up your eyes and see me too. I know you can't touch me or always hear my direction, but I walk next to you, I am your protection. I want you to know that I've experienced what you're dealing with and your future looks much better than where you've been. Please trust that I AM able to achieve every & anything that you need, but I want you to introduce me to yourself in a deeper form or fashion than with anyone else. My dear child all you have to do is trust and believe that I am able to perform above carnal expectancy. I know you very intimately; I write you today for a humble plea, that you will allocate time to get to know me. Selah. ~God"
November 1, 2010
"You cannot BE what you will not SEE & you cannot go where you will not DREAM. Your mind is the author of your future, it puts your thoughts in solid form, & you can create a promising beginning when you step outside the norm. Most novels, books & sagas are read from start to finish & when you put the drama down that's the end of the vision. Spiritually our story is a little different than the rest, your end is your beginning and the unwritten portion is where it begins. God is omnipotent; He knows your beginning & your end, so the key to unwrapping your story is wrapping yourself up in Him. Selah."
Steph I must say that I always find your messages inspiring, edifying, and anointed!! Continue to let Father use you to reach many ;-)