Monday, June 28, 2010

Common Questions & Objections: Salvation [Part I]

"Is Water baptism essential for salvation?"


Key Scripture: John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins. And there went out to him all the land of Judea, and they of Jerusalem, and were all baptized of him in the river of Jordan, confessing their sins. ~Mark 1:4-5


    While we should preach that all men are commanded to repent and be baptized (Acts 2:38), adding any other requirement to salvation by grace becomes "works" in disguise. Even though numerous Scriptures speak of the importance of water baptism, adding anything to the work of the cross demeans the sacrifice of the Savior. It implies that His finished work wasn't enough. But the Bible makes clear that we are saved by grace, and grace alone (Ephesians 2:8,9). Baptism is simply a step of obedience to the Lord following our repentance and confession of sin. Our obedience -- water baptism, prayer, good works, fellowship, witnessing, etc. -- issues from our faith in Christ. Salvation is not what we do, but Who we have: "He that has the Son has life" (1 John 5:12).


Taken from Ray Comfort's The Evidence Bible, page 1244 [Bridge-Logos].


TJ's Personal Note:

There comes a time when taking a risk is a good/healthy thing; however, this is not one of them. Look at it this way: Let's say that the Bible is wrong, and all Christians (past, present, & future) are not redeemed by the Savior. Then on the unfortunate day you die, nothing will happen. You won't even have the opportunity to say "I told you so!" But WHAT IF the Bible is correct, and all -- and only -- Christians are redeemed by the Savior. Then you will not just spend eternity separated from the presence of God, but as the Bible puts it, forever burning/tormented in Hell, where the fire NEVER quenches & the worm NEVER dies!!

Out of love we, Christians, are only asking that you consider the WHAT IF...before your time runs out. If you are saying, "Well, I don't want to make a decision out of fear...that doesn't seem genuine; or it seems like a cop-out." The Bible says that it is the fear of the Lord that men depart from evil/sin! Therefore, let that fear work in your favor! If you were on an airplane and you knew you had to jump, isn't it the fear of the law of gravity that entices you to put on a parachute?! Well, the same thing spiritually, let the fear of the Law of God and His justified wrath entice you to put on His parachute...the Lord & Savior Jesus the Christ!! Repent once and for all for your sins -- and name them if you can -- and then place your faith & trust SOLELY in the Savior for your salvation! Do it today, because tomorrow isn't promised to anyone. Thank you for reading and God Bless.


Remember: "Grace is what He gives; Mercy is what we need. Relationship & Righteousness is what He longs for; Salvation & Holiness is what we'll receive!" - Terrell D. Jackson

Monday, June 21, 2010

Common Questions & Objections: Religion [Part I]

"Why are there so many religions?"


Key Scripture: For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God. ~Romans 10:3


    It has been well said that religion is man's way of trying to deal with his guilt. Different religions have different ways of attempting to rid their adherents of sin and its consequences. They fast, pray, deny themselves legitimate pleasures, or chasten themselves, often to a point of inflicting pain. They do this because they have a concept of what they think God (or the gods) is like, so they seek to establish their own righteousness, being ignorant of God's righteousness.

    The Good News of the Christian faith is that no one need suffer the pains of religious works. Christ's blood can cleanse our conscience from the dead works of religion (Hebrews 9:14). Jesus took our punishment upon Himself, and He is the only One who can save us from sin and death. See Acts 4:12 and John 14:6.


Taken from Ray Comfort's The Evidence Bible, page 1469 [Bridge-Logos]


TJ's Personal Note:

There comes a time when taking a risk is a good/healthy thing; however, this is not one of them. Look at it this way: Let's say that the Bible is wrong, and all Christians (past, present, & future) are not redeemed by the Savior. Then on the unfortunate day you die, nothing will happen. You won't even have the opportunity to say "I told you so!" But WHAT IF the Bible is correct, and all -- and only -- Christians are redeemed by the Savior. Then you will not just spend eternity separated from the presence of God, but as the Bible puts it, forever burning/tormented in Hell, where the fire NEVER quenches & the worm NEVER dies!!

Out of love we, Christians, are only asking that you consider the WHAT IF...before your time runs out. If you are saying, "Well, I don't want to make a decision out of fear...that doesn't seem genuine; or it seems like a cop-out." The Bible says that it is the fear of the Lord that men depart from evil/sin! Therefore, let that fear work in your favor! If you were on an airplane and you knew you had to jump, isn't it the fear of the law of gravity that entices you to put on a parachute?! Well, the same thing spiritually, let the fear of the Law of God and His justified wrath entice you to put on His parachute...the Lord & Savior Jesus the Christ!! Repent once and for all for your sins -- and name them if you can -- and then place your faith & trust SOLELY in the Savior for your salvation! Do it today, because tomorrow isn't promised to anyone. Thank you for reading and God Bless.


Remember: "Grace is what He gives; Mercy is what we need. Relationship & Righteousness is what He longs for; Salvation & Holiness is what we'll receive!" - Terrell D. Jackson

Monday, June 14, 2010

Common Questions & Objections: Guilt [Part I]

"I don't feel guilty."


Key Scripture: Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron. ~1 Timothy 4:2


    People often don't feel guilty when they sin because they have "seared" their conscience. They have removed the batteries from the smoke detector of their conscience, so that they can sin without interruption. The way to resurrect a deadened conscience is to go through each of the Ten Commandments, reminding the person that they know that it's wrong to lie, steal, commit adultery, etc. Always preach the Law along with future punishment, then pray that the Holy Spirit will come upon them and cause them to be convicted of sin, righteousness, and judgment to come.


Taken from Ray Comfort's The Evidence Bible, page 1575 [Bridge-Logos]


TJ's Personal Note:

There comes a time when taking a risk is a good/healthy thing; however, this is not one of them. Look at it this way: Let's say that the Bible is wrong, and all Christians (past, present, & future) are not redeemed by the Savior. Then on the unfortunate day you die, nothing will happen. You won't even have the opportunity to say "I told you so!" But WHAT IF the Bible is correct, and all -- and only -- Christians are redeemed by the Savior. Then you will not just spend eternity separated from the presence of God, but as the Bible puts it, forever burning/tormented in Hell, where the fire NEVER quenches & the worm NEVER dies!!

Out of love we, Christians, are only asking that you consider the WHAT IF...before your time runs out. If you are saying, "Well, I don't want to make a decision out of fear...that doesn't seem genuine; or it seems like a cop-out." The Bible says that it is the fear of the Lord that men depart from evil/sin! Therefore, let that fear work in your favor! If you were on an airplane and you knew you had to jump, isn't it the fear of the law of gravity that entices you to put on a parachute?! Well, the same thing spiritually, let the fear of the Law of God and His justified wrath entice you to put on His parachute...the Lord & Savior Jesus the Christ!! Repent once and for all for your sins -- and name them if you can -- and then place your faith & trust SOLELY in the Savior for your salvation! Do it today, because tomorrow isn't promised to anyone. Thank you for reading and God Bless.


Remember: "Grace is what He gives; Mercy is what we need. Relationship & Righteousness is what He longs for; Salvation & Holiness is what we'll receive!" - Terrell D. Jackson

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Common Questions & Objections: Pride

"Man is the master of his own destiny!"


Key Scripture: What man is he that lives, and shall not see death? Shall he deliver his soul from the hand of the grave? Selah. ~Psalm 89:48


    If man is in total control of his future, then he should at least be in control of his own body. Instead, he is subject to involuntary yawning, sneezing, breathing, swallowing, sleeping, salivating, dreaming, blinking, and thinking. He can't even control hair and nail growth. He automatically does these things, irrespective of his will. God has set his body in motion and there is little he can do about it. He also has minimal control over his daily bodily functions. His kidneys, bladder, intestines, heart, liver, lungs, etc., work independently of his will. It is ludicrous to say that man controls his future when he has trouble predicting the stock market, political outcomes, earthquakes, and even the weather, let alone having control over these things.


Taken from Ray Comfort's "The Evidence Bible", page 768 [Bridge-Logos]


Remember: "Grace is what He gives; Mercy is what we need. Relationship & Righteousness is what He longs for; Salvation & Holiness is what we'll receive!" - Terrell D. Jackson

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Common Questions & Objections: Hypocrisy [Part I]

"The church is full of hypocrites."


Key Scripture: Nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure, having this seal, The Lord knows them that are his. And, Let every one that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity. ~ 2 Timothy 2:19


    Hypocrites may show up at a church building ever Sunday, but there are no hypocrites in the Church (Christ's body). Hypocrite comes from the Greek word for "actor," or pretender. Hypocrisy is "the practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold." The Church is made up of true believers; hypocrites are "pretenders" who sit among God's people. God knows those who love Him, and the Bible warns that He will sort out the true converts from the false on the Day of Judgment. All hypocrites will end up in hell (Matthew 24:51).


Taken from Ray Comfort's "The Evidence Bible", page 745 [Bridge-Logos]


Remember: "Grace is what He gives; Mercy is what we need. Relationship & Righteousness is what He longs for; Salvation & Holiness is what we'll receive!" - Terrell D. Jackson