Monday, January 28, 2008

Do You Have an Understanding?

Key Scripture: St. John 14:15

    Good morning Saints : ) I hope and pray that everyone had a great weekend; and if you were able to make it to the house of the Lord on yesterday, I hope you were blessed. This week's MOW will deal with the second part of last week's MOW on getting an "understanding". For those whom missed last week's MOW you can still read it and comment on it when you get the chance. With that said, let's jump right into it.

    Last week's scripture came from Proverbs 4:7 & Psalm 111:10. I mentioned how both scriptures dealt with "wisdom" and "understanding". Let's see what they are saying about "understanding" and receive the revelation from Father on it. Proverbs 4:7 ends with, "…and with all thy getting get understanding." Then Psalm 111:10 says in the second clause, "…a good understanding have all they that do his commandments…" When reading those scriptures, particular Proverbs 4:7, I am reminded of when someone told me that we, Christians, are not suppose to ask God "why" or questions for that matter. However, when you look at scripture many of God's greatest people/vessels asked him "why" or other questions. For instance, Moses when he appeared before God at the burning bush; Job when he was being stripped of everything; and even our Lord Jesus when on the cross asked God why had he forsaken him. Therefore, I do not believe that we cannot ask God questions when we are trying to get an "understanding". I wanted to share that with you before I gave you the revelation that Father has given me about "understanding" in Psalm 111:10.

    Our key scripture comes from St. John 14:23, "If ye love me, keep my commandments." Jesus was telling this to his disciples right before he began to tell them about the promise of the Spirit (Holy Ghost). In Psalm 111:10, the second clause tells us that ALL who DO his commandments have a good understanding. Last week God revealed to us that we have to reverence (fear) him before we can begin to get wisdom. This week He is showing us that in order to get a good "understanding" you must DO his commandments. However, He is also showing us that those who keep or do his commandments are those who "love" him. The point that I am trying to make in all of this is, before you get ANYTHING make sure you get "wisdom". And the only way to get "wisdom" is to fear (reverence) God. Then make sure you get an "understanding". However, to even have a good understanding, you must DO his "commandments". But if you are not willing to DO his commandments, then HOW can you say that you "love" him? Something to think about : )

    I hope and pray that the purpose of this message was fulfilled; and that our Father got the glory out of it. Until next time, take care Saints and God Bless.


His Servant,

TJ (KBTeam – The Kingdom Building Team)


"Grace is what HE gives; mercy is what WE need. Relationship is what HE longs for; salvation is what WE'LL receive." ~Terrell D. Jackson

Monday, January 21, 2008

Do You Have Wisdom?

Key Scripture: Proverbs 4:7

    Good morning Saints : ) I must begin by saying that it is truly an honor to write the message for this week. Sometimes I get overwhelmed thinking about Father and His amazing power. I know that sounds random, but I was looking at pictures of the planets the other day. I couldn't help but fathom His awesome and infinite power. LOL, I just wanted to share that with ya'll.

    After praying and asking Father for a message for this week, He took me to Proverbs 4:7. "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding." Immediately after reading that I though of Psalm 111:10, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever." Notice that both scriptures deal with "wisdom" and "understanding". Let's first look at what they are saying about "wisdom".

    Proverbs 4:7 says that wisdom is the "principal" thing. In other words, wisdom is something that you want to get "first". Before anything else, make sure you get wisdom! Then in Psalm 111:10 it says that the fear of the Lord is the "beginning" of wisdom. In other words, before you can even get wisdom, you must fear the Lord. Now, do not misinterpret the definition of "fear" in this context with the definition of it in the scripture dealing with the "spirit" of fear. There is a HUGE difference! The definition of fear in this context is "reverence". So, the "reverence" of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and you must do/have this before you can get wisdom!

    Next Monday we will deal with the second part dealing with "understanding". In the meantime, I pray that this message will penetrate your heart and bless you to come closer to Father at the same time. When you get a chance, read the whole chapter of Proverbs 4; it will truly bless your spirit. Until next time, take care Saints, and God Bless!!


His Servant,

TJ (KBTeam – The Kingdom Building Team)


"Grace is what HE gives; Mercy is what WE need. Relationship is what HE longs for; Salvation is what WE'LL receive." ~Terrell D. Jackson

Friday, January 18, 2008

How Bad Do You Want It?

    "I would rather listen to somebody who is TRYING to become wealthy; instead of somebody who just COMPLAINS about not being wealthy!" I begin with that quote because I am getting so tired of hearing people around me complain about how "hard" times are. So many people complain about it, but don't want to do anything to change their current situation. Instead, they will take their chances on the lottery, or pray that they will open up their mailboxes to find a huge check. They go to work and do the same things day after day, week after week, month after month, and sometimes year after year, yet hope or expect for things to change for the better. I want to scream so badly and say, "If you want things to change; then make a change. And I'm not just talking about your environment, but your mindsets, attitudes, and actions!"

    The first thing that must change is your "mindset". Never forget this, "If you continue to think the way you've always thought, you're going to continue to get what you've always got!" The majority has been raised and taught to have a "job" mentality. In other words, you believe in exchanging your time for money. I hear so many people with a "job" say things like, "I make such and such" or "How much do you make at your job?" What they do not realize is that neither one is "making" anything; they both are "working" for their money. When you "work" for someone or something, you become subject to that person or thing. You do not own or control what you are subject to. Therefore, you do not "own" your money, your money "owns" you. You do not ultimately decide what to spend your money on; your money tells you where to spend it. Hear me out; stop being deceived by your current mindset thinking that you "make" money at your job, and that you control where you want your money to go. Because, until your money starts working for you, you will always be subject to it, not the other way around. Remember, "You must change your mindset, before you can increase your assets."

    The next thing that you must change is your "attitude", the way you approach your situations. Never forget this, "It's not about the situations you face, it's about how you face those situations!" Every time you attempt to do something positive, negativity will always present itself; I guarantee it. Therefore, now that you know it, how will you react the next time it shows up? Will you get upset or angry, and in turn become negative? Or will you instead be grateful for it, because your mindset is changed and your attitude is focusing on the victory and not the "thought" of being defeated? Some might say, "The 'thought' of being defeated, TJ what are you talking about?" Listen, the Bible says that out of the abundance of the heart a man speaks. Now, in the midst of "it" being in your heart to out of your mouth, "it" becomes a thought. The Bible also says that, if a man should look upon a woman to "lust" after her, then he has committed adultery with her already in his heart. To lust after her, he must first "think" of her in a way or act that is unpleasing to God. Once again, "it" is a thought. The point that I am trying to make is, when negativity presents itself, focus on the victory instead of the "thought" of being defeated. Change your attitude and the way you approach your situations. Because if you don't change your attitude, and stop focusing on the "thought" or fear of being defeated, then you might as well consider yourself defeated already.

    The final thing that you must change is your "actions". Never forget this, "I would rather fail in SUCCEEDING, than to succeed in FAILING!" In other words, I would rather attempt to "do" something positive and come up short, than to attempt to "do" nothing and succeed. I know that sounds cheesy, but notice that I put emphasis on the word "do". Changing your mindset and attitude means a whole lot, but if you do not change your actions, then it was all done in vain. Many people can talk a good talk; but know that talking is not going to take a step for you. If you really want your situations to change, and you are tired of being sick and tired then it is time for you to change your actions. You cannot continue doing the same things that you have been doing and expect different results, I don't care if you've changed your mindset and attitude or not. The only way change is going to take place is if "you" initiate it. It all comes down to, "How Bad Do You Want It?"

Monday, January 14, 2008

I don’t WANT to be wealthy …I CHOOSE to be!

    From the time we are babies up until adult years we are taught to make known what it is we want. For instance, because babies cannot talk they usually cry, or when they are a little older, point at the thing(s) that they want. This can eventually become frustrating to the parents, because children get to that age where they can say what it is that they want, but yet they still point and whine for it. Very soon, the parents stop acknowledging the children when they attempt to get what they want by the way of crying, pointing, or whining for it instead of speaking. This directly teaches the child that in order to get what they want they have to literally say that they "want" it. However, this indirectly teaches the child that just because they say they "want" something, it will result in them always getting it. Unfortunately for the child, this theory is not explained to them fully while they are young. Therefore, they grow into adults with the mindset that saying you "want" something will result in you getting it; we call it, positive thinking.

    I'm reminded of the story in the Bible when Jesus was sleeping during a strong storm while his disciples were fighting to keep the water out of the boat and panicking nonetheless. Immediately, they rush to where Jesus was sleeping and awoke him questioning how he could sleep while the boat was on the verge of sinking. What Jesus did that night still amazes me to this day, but not just because he told the sea to be still. No, it's the lesson that Jesus indirectly taught that night that many people, including myself at one point, miss so often. Jesus not only believed or wanted everything to be okay, but he did something that we forget, or simply just don't know to do, and that is take action! It is because of the theory that we are taught as babies that hinders us from taking action, and has us thinking that things will come to past just because we "want" them to.

    The point that I am trying to make is, many people are always "wanting" instead of taking action by "choosing" what it is that they desire. Therefore, until they change the mindset that they have been raised with and start "choosing" things, they will never receive them. Jesus didn't say, "I want to be the way, the truth…" he said, "I AM the way, the truth…" He did not say, "I want to give you life…" he said, "I CAME to give you life…" In other words, he did not "want" he "choose". Therefore, stop saying you "want" to be wealthy or successful. Instead, start saying I "choose" to be wealthy and successful; and I guarantee you, it will increase your odds by 100%.